White chicken enchilada is one of the many variations of Mexican food.
The Mexican enchilada is, in fact, a corn tortilla, stuffed and rolled like a pancake, and then topped with sauce.
It can be stuffed with various ingredients – various meats, vegetables or cheese.
Enchilada sauces can also be varied – with chili peppers, tomatoes or cheese.
It is very common in Mexican cuisine.
Enchilada can be topped with sauce, even sprinkled with cheese and baked in the oven. Our recipe just put the enchilada in the oven to get a beautiful, soft, juicy, stretchy mozzarella cheese crust.
The filling for our enchilada tastes very mild, but the emphasis is on the sauce with hot, jalapeno peppers.
Try our white combination and we believe you will love enchilada …

White chicken enchilada
- 17 oz chicken breasts cut into strips
- 8.8 oz cheddar cheese grated
- 5.3 oz mozzarella cheese grated
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp flour
- 350 ml chicken broth
- 200 ml sour cream
- 2 tsp jalapeno pepper cut into small cubes
- salt and pepper
- mexican spice mix
- Ketchup
- Fry the chicken cut into strips in a pan. Add salt, pepper, Mexican spice.
- Melt the butter in a pan.
- Add flour and fry for 1 minute.
- Add the chicken soup and mix well so that no lumps form. Cook 5 minutes.
- Gradually add the cooking sourake a tortilla and spread it with a little ketchup to make the filling stick easier. cream and stir constantly.
- Add diced peppers and season as desired. Cook for another 3 minutes.
- Mix the cooled and additionally chopped chicken with grated cheddar cheese. Add spices to taste.
- Take a tortilla and spread it with a little ketchup to make the filling stick easier.
- Put the chicken and cheese mix on the tortilla and roll it up like a pancake. Place in a greased pan.
- Repeat the process with the remaining tortillas.
- Pour the prepared sauce over the tortillas and sprinkle with grated mozzarella cheese.
- Bake in an oven preheated to 347F (175 °C) for about 25 minutes until the cheese melts.
- Serve warm and enjoy!